August update

Well, if you have visited the shop recently you will have seen our new fridges.  And very smart they are too (as well as easier to keep clean!).  More efficient, they boast sliding doors to keep the food cold, and comply with the latest energy regulations.  They are,...

July update

It’s official!  The shop is the hub of the village.  Well, that’s according to Charlotte Martin, the actress who plays Susan Carter in the Archers.  Confirmation of what we all know of course, but, for all you Archers’ fans, a pleasing endorsement.  The shop is...

June update

June heralds the start of the serious wedding season.  Very lovely, of course, but, ask the bride, and she might say that preparations leading up to the day can get a little fraught: the dress needs last minute attention, maybe a hem, or a buttonhole, or, perish the...

May update

I do detect that summer is on the way – well, spring anyway.  And, what, you might ask, am I basing this hypothesis?  To answer that, you need to take a quick trip to our Village Stores, where you will see all manner of indicators. Our ice cream freezer has taken up...

April update

If you’re thinking of becoming a volunteer in our shop (especially if you’d like to help with the cleaning some Sundays!), one of the perks would be that you could come to our Volunteers’ Meetings.  We have just had one, and very entertaining it was too!  Statutory...