October Update

As the summer draws to a close and the prospect of the nights drawing in at the end of the month we were hoping to have our new shop awning in place to offer some protection from the elements, especially for those customers waiting to enter the shop under the Covid...

September Update

The Plunkett foundation in conjunction with citizens advice have been very focused in encouraging governmental support for our Post Offices, especially those PO’s situated in rural ares. 74% of rural PO’s operate in a community that is without a bank. A fallout from...

August Update

As we come to near the end of our 3rd year trading as a village owned store we have been pleasantly surprised that our sales volumes remain strong in spite of people having more choices and better experiences from supermarkets than earlier in the year. We like to...

July Update

Since the shop opened 3 years ago storage has been an ongoing problem. We have worked extremely hard to provide product lines to suit the needs of villagers but this has been hampered by the lack of adequate storage facilities. We have now had a commercial cold room...

May Update

As we approach the beginning of summer this month and hopefully a continuation of the fine weather we continue to work hard to keep the shop stocked with all the summer essentials. We have disposable BBQ’s, coal and firelighters. We also continue to stock some...