Monthly Update – February 2018

A first Christmas in any retail business is always exciting and this was certainly true for us. We started the festive season with Julian officially opening the store and we were thrilled by the number of villagers who turned out to show their support and toast the...

Valentine’s Day Flowers

It’ll soon be Valentine’s Day. This year you can send your loved one or crush some romantic flowers or a bundle of goodies from the shop and we will deliver it on Valentine’s Day for free. Orders can be placed in the shop until 11am 13th February. Flowers, wine,...

New Management Team Member

The Store’s Management Committee are pleased to welcome on board a new member. Steve Smith who is both a shareholder and volunteer will be taking on the role of Business Operations Advisor and has a wealth of experience to offer. Steve has provided the following...

Newspapers on Christmas Eve

Smiths News have apologised to us for their failure to deliver any newspapers to us today, Christmas Eve. This is enormously disappointing to us and entirely due to an error on their part. We shall be seeking compensation from them. We can only pass on their apologies...

Christmas Tree Festival

The Village Store entered the Findon Christmas Tree Festival, an event which takes part every 2 years at St John the Baptist Church Findon. This year there were 22 trees entered by local organisations and businesses, with visitors being asked to vote for their...

Store’s Official Opening

On December 3rd, the Findon Village Store and Post Office was officially opened by Committee Vice-Chairman Jo O’Dell and Postmaster Julian Harwood. A large crowd had gathered and once the ribbon was cut, all were invited inside to celebrate with a glass of...