June update

June heralds the start of the serious wedding season.  Very lovely, of course, but, ask the bride, and she might say that preparations leading up to the day can get a little fraught: the dress needs last minute attention, maybe a hem, or a buttonhole, or, perish the...

May update

I do detect that summer is on the way – well, spring anyway.  And, what, you might ask, am I basing this hypothesis?  To answer that, you need to take a quick trip to our Village Stores, where you will see all manner of indicators. Our ice cream freezer has taken up...

April update

If you’re thinking of becoming a volunteer in our shop (especially if you’d like to help with the cleaning some Sundays!), one of the perks would be that you could come to our Volunteers’ Meetings.  We have just had one, and very entertaining it was too!  Statutory...

March Update

Hurrah!  Spring is definitely around the corner, and we see signs of it everywhere: daffodils, lighter evenings, and birdsong.  And, by the time you’ve read about all the ways in which the shop is ‘springing’ into spring, you’ll be heading straight down there with a...

February Update

Happy New Year!  Well. I guess it’s not a New Year now – I can’t believe that we’re already one month into 2024, but then I’d barely got used to it being 2023 before it was all over in a puff of smoke!  Now, the only nod to 2023 is some half-price Christmas bits and...

December Update

Well. No missing the time of year at the shop.  Before you even get into the shop itself, you will be greeted by a wonderful Christmas tree post box topper, and a lovely Seasonal/Christmas display board designed by Siân Keating.  A very big thank you from us all. The...