November Update

Well, now the nights are really starting to draw in, and going out, especially later in the day, isgetting less attractive virtually by the day. So at this time of year, especially, I’m sure we’re all verygrateful to have a well-stocked shop on our doorstep. It’s open...

October Update

Hasn’t September been glorious!  True to form, the best weather waited until the schools went back before making an appearance.  The Sheep Fair probably coincided with the hottest day of the year.  My word!  It was so hot!  I hope you visited the shop’s stall,...

September Update

No prizes this month for guessing what I’m going to be writing about.  It’s the talk of the town – or, in this case, the village.  But before I write about it, I must tell you something I have learnt today on google, which, of course, knows everything.  This has...

August Update

Shop life is never dull: always challenges to face, opportunities to explore, adaptations to make to meet the changing times.  But we do it together.  I find it so exciting to see how everybody appreciates our village store, and is willing to go the extra mile to...

June Update

Hurrah!  It looks as if Spring has finally arrived!  Longer, lighter evenings, bluebells, lots of colour, and warmth!  How I soak it up.  I’ll say it again… warmth.  It’s what I’ve been missing all this time.  Just as well really that Spring has arrived, because...

July Update

Has anyone else stood outside the shop using Google Lens (a phone app) to attempt to identify a certain striking red plant growing in our window box outside the shop, or is it just me?  Actually, it wasn’t just me.  Helen, our wonderful deputy manager, another...