June Update

Hurrah!  It looks as if Spring has finally arrived!  Longer, lighter evenings, bluebells, lots of colour, and warmth!  How I soak it up.  I’ll say it again… warmth.  It’s what I’ve been missing all this time.  Just as well really that Spring has arrived, because...

May Update

If you thought that you’d be able to escape the word of the month, I’m sorry to disappoint.  I’ve got to mention it.  I’m hoping that in tackling it head on at the beginning of this month’s offering, we’d be able to get it over and done with, and then move on to other...

April Update

After what has felt like a long, cold winter, hopefully spring is upon us.  The days are getting longer, daffodils are coming into bloom, and it’s finally starting to get warmer.  Hurrah! And not a moment too soon.  Easter is fast approaching, a celebration of new...

March Update

Coloured tops are back!  I am, of course, talking about milk.  For the last few months, whole milk, semi-skimmed and skimmed have all shared white/transparent tops, done to save on costs, but very confusing.  Well, I’m very pleased to be able to announce that we now...

December Update

Well. I’ve just popped down to Findon Village Store, and what a feast greeted my eyes, in every sense of the word!  In addition to the usual cards, wrapping paper and gift boxes, jingle bells shakers, mince pies and Christmas cake bites, Helen (our Deputy...

November Update

Findon Village Store     Well, I’d like to be able to say that blue skies and a gentle sun welcomed us on the morning of the ‘Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service’ ceremony, but, instead, we woke to the sound of driving rain.  Not the best weather when a marquee...