September Update

A date for your diary!  Monday, 17th October 2022 at 2pm in the Village Hall This is when Findon Village Store will “officially” receive the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service from Lady Emma Barnard, the Lord Lieutenant of West Sussex. For full details see our...

August Update

ut it wills a summer of celebration! Fresh from our excitement at being awarded the QAVS, it was time tomark the contribution of our fabulous team by holding our Volunteers’ Party. This was originallyintended to be an annual event but thanks to COVID our last party...

July Update

Last month’s article ended with the promise that there would be “more exciting news next month”. Well, the time has come and we are now able to celebrate winning the enormously prestigious… Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service The announcement was made on...

June Update

It’s Summer Party, BBQ and family time! At last we can meet for social occasions and you can trust your local shop to have everything you need for a great time. We have burgers, bangers and brioche, firelighters and fizz, coleslaw, charcoal and lots of cakes! You can...

May Update

Having ended the last article with our best wishes for a happy Easter, it is good to reflect on the beautiful weather and chance to spend time with family and friends that the festival brought. Our local shop did great business, selling out of both Hot Cross Buns and...