I learnt an important lesson last week – to pay heed to what I say to all of you. I was in town, and remembered I needed to send a birthday card to a certain VIP (my son). On impulse, (first mistake), I found a card, but noticed that the accompanying loose envelope was just a scrap too small. (I’ve been caught out before!) The assistant duly found a larger envelope, and, without thinking, I bought it (second mistake). It was only when I came to address it, that I discovered that, although the card would take a regular stamp, the envelope made it a large letter. I was not happy! I ended up visiting our very own PO to buy the required stamp – it was a Saturday afternoon and no other POs were open in town (nor anywhere else for that matter) – where our wonderful deputy manager, Helen, even tried to squeeze it into a regular size so I wouldn’t have to buy a large letter stamp! If only I’d bought a card from our shop in the first place. I will write 100 lines: ‘I must buy cards from our shop’!
Sadly, we have had to say goodbye to Sara, a popular member of our team of PO staff, who has had to resign. Sara approached everything with energy and enthusiasm, and will be much missed. The Management Committee, shop staff, volunteers and customers will, I am sure, all join me in wishing Sara all the best for the future.
So… drumroll… now for a once in a lifetime opportunity to work in our friendly, vibrant PO and shop, initially two or three shifts a week, but with lots of potential. Perfect for almost everyone, whether you’re a young mum getting back into the world of work, a retiree looking to boost your pension, a newbie who’d like to get to know people, or you’ve just got some spare time and would like to do something a bit different which would also benefit our community. Full training will, of course, be given, and there’s loads of support. For further details, please see our ad in Findon News, or pop in and speak to Angus or Helen.
Have you seen our book box? You can leave a book you’ve enjoyed, or select a book to read. All free! Just another little service we provide! There’s no end to our thoughtfulness! Just one plea – please add only one or two books at a time so we can see the titles easily and don’t get overwhelmed. (It easily happens!)
Isn’t it good to see the first signs of Spring: snowdrops, crocuses, catkins, all good reminders that pancake day (March 4th) and Mother’s Day (30th March) are both around the corner. We stock lots of pancake ingredients and toppings, and have a good selection of plants, gifts, and, you’ve guessed it, cards (NOTE TO SELF!) all ready for your longsuffering and dearly beloved mums.
Jean Burden