The Store’s Management Committee are pleased to welcome on board a new member. Steve Smith who is both a shareholder and volunteer will be taking on the role of Business Operations Advisor and has a wealth of experience to offer.
Steve has provided the following summary of his background;
“I have spent much of my career working for a large US Multinational Corporation, focused on helping its customers improve their business performance through business process improvement supported by appropriate technology. Within the retail sector I have been engaged with the likes of Next, ASDA, Morrisons, M&S and WH Smiths. I have considerable knowledge and experience of Supply Chain Management, covering the flow of products in (product selection to orders) and out (sales & distribution) and everything that happens in-between; contract negotiation and management, both as supplier and receiver of products and services and all aspects of financial management. I have also managed large teams with responsibility for their task performance and personal development aligned to business goals. I understand the most effective organisations work best when teamwork is at the centre of their culture and that along with a strong customer service, focus will deliver the best performance possible.
I look forward to working with the current team of MC, Staff and Volunteers who collectively are making the FVC the success it is, lending my skills and experiences to help drive the business forward.”